Antilog Calculator

Enter the number and base in antilog calculator to find the antilog.

Antilog a (loga (x)) = x
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Antilog Calculator 

This antilog calculator can undo the log process. It can find the value of antilog with just one click.

All you have to do is to enter the required values correctly in the designated boxes. Rest assured that the results are hundred percent accurate.

How does antilog calculator work?

This inverse log calculator is very easy to use. You will need to;

  1. Enter the number (log value).
  2. Enter the antilog base.
  3. Click “Calculate” or press enter.

What is Antilog?

Anti means ‘Inverse’. It is the process of raising the log to its base. Since the log is the inverse of exponents, and antilog is the inverse of the log so eventually, antilog is equal to the exponent.


In other words, it is the method of getting to the original value. For example:

Log (p) = q    ;    log-1(q) = p 

Keep in mind that the base of antilog cannot be negative. Also, for a question where no base is provided, base 10 is used to find the antilog. It is because;   

log(x) = log(10)

Antilog formula

As explained before, the inverse logarithm is actually exponential. So it has the same expression as exponents. 


Where ‘b’ is the base and ‘y’ is the log value. To identify these from log expression look below:

X = logb-1(y) = by

How to find antilog?


Find the antilog for base 8 and the log value 3.


Step 1: Identify the values.

Base (b)  = 8

Log value = 3

Step 2: Use in antilog expression.

= by

= 83

= 512

Here are a few more examples for clarity. Use the antilogarithm calculator above to verify.

Antilog of 0



Antilog of 2



Antilog of 10 



Antilog2 (1.5)



Antilog5 (3)



Antilog7 (0) 



Note: Antilog of 0 is always 1, no matter what the base is. If the base is not specified, base 10 will be used automatically.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ’s)

How to find the antilog of a number?

To find the antilog of a number say “y”, then raise the value to the exponent of base bx (usually 10, sometimes the constant e) that will generate the number “y”. For instance, if we take this equation, log10 (x) = 2, then the antilog will be “102 = 100”.

What is antilogarithm?

Antilogarithm is the inverse technique to find the number whose logarithm can be taken. It is also written as the Anti-logarithm and simply known as the Antilog of the number. Mathematically: If logbY = x, Then y = bx.

How to Calculate Antilog on calculator?

You don’t need special education or software to use the above antilog calculator, just enter the antilog value and antilog base, or press the button to determine its antilog value in the blink of an eye. 

What is the antilog of 3?

The antilog of 3 depends on the base of the logarithm while to find the antilog of 3 use this formula “y = b³”. i.e., if the base is 10 then Y = 103 = 1000. However, if the base is 2, then anti-log of 3 is 8.

Is “ln” an antilog?

No, “ln” is not an antilog because it is a special type of logarithm with a base “e” or named a natural logarithm. While the antilog is the opposite of the logarithm with a specific base. 

What is a characteristic & mantissa of antilog?

In calculation of the antilog of the logarithm number: characteristic part comes before the decimal point and the mantissa part comes after the decimal point. For example, we need to find the antilog for 2.6452 then the characteristic is “2” and the mantissa is “6452”.


Beck, K. (2020, February 8). How to calculate antilog. Sciencing

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