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Million to Crore Converter
To convert million to crore, input the number in million and click calculate button
Million to Crore Converter
Use the million to crore converter for the online conversion of numbers from one system to another.
This converter is developed to find the alternative representation of numbers present in the international numbering system.
What is a million to crore conversion?
Very similar to billion to crore conversion, it is the process of converting digits or amounts already present in millions to crore, which is a place value in the Indian numbering system.
Some South Asian countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India do not use the terms million, billion, and trillions. Instead, they use an old numbering system originating from the Vedic number system.
So, when people from these countries deal internationally, both sides can get confused due to the different terms and the amounts they account for.
For instance, internationally, numbers are divided by commas in groups of three digits e.g. 1,234,000. On the other hand, the Indian number system divides a couple of digits by commas after the first three digits e.g. 12,34,000.
What are crore and million?
One crore has 7 zeros trailing a 1 i.e 1,00,00,000. On the other hand, a million is smaller than a crore by one zero i.e 1,000,000.
How to perform million to crore conversion?
The converter above is the suitable option for million to crore conversion and vice versa. It also provides some representations like millions to billions, trillions, and lakhs.
But the rules are simple.
One million is equal to 0.1 crore
.One crore is equal to 10 million
Note: Crore accounts for a larger amount than the million and smaller than the billion.
To convert millions to crores:
10 million is equal to how many crores?
1 million = 0.1 crore.
10 millions = (0.1 x 10) crore
= 1 crore
To convert crore to millions:
How much 10 crores are in millions?
1 crore = 10 millions
10 crore = (10 x 10) millions
= 100 millions
Conversion Table
Million to crore:
Value in Million | Value in Crore |
1 Million | 0.1 Crore |
5 Million | 0.5 Crore |
10 Million | 1 Crore |
100 Million | 10 Crore |
1000 Million | 100 Crore |
16.9 Million | 1.69 Crore |
34/20 Million | 0.17 Crore |
5000 Million | 500 Crore |
10000 Million | 1000 Crore |
100000 Million | 10000 Crore |
Crore to million:
Value in Crore | Value in Million |
1 crore | 10 million |
5 crore | 50 million |
10 crore | 100 million |
100 crore | 1000 million |
0.7 crore | 7 million |
500 crore | 5000 million |
12.34 crore | 123.4 million |
10,00,000 crore | 10,00,0000 million |