HCF and LCM of Fractions Calculator

To use HCF and LCM of fractions calculator, enter comma-separated fractions, and hit the calculate button

HCF and LCM of Fractions Calculator

This calculator finds the LCM of fractions and the LCM of fractions with a single click. This calculator works as HCF  of fractions calculator as well as LCM of fractions calculator.

What are the HCF and LCM of fractions?

HCF and LCM of fractions is a way of calculating the highest common factor and lowest common multiple of a list of fractions. Convert the fractions to their simplest form. This involves canceling out any common factors in the numerator and denominator.

To calculate the HCF of a set of fractions, find the HCF of the numerators and the HCF of the denominators. To calculate the LCM of a set of fractions, find the LCM of the denominators and multiply each numerator by the appropriate factor to make the denominators equal to the LCM.

How to find LCM and HCF of Fractions?

Follow the below examples to learn how to find the LCM and HCF of fractions.

Example 1:

Evaluate the LCM of Fractions for 1/2,3/4,2/3.


Step 1:

LCM of Fraction = LCM of Numerators/HCF of Denominators

Now see the LCM of the Numerator part which is 1,3,2

LCM of the Numerator is 6

Step 2:

Secondly, now find the HCF of the denominator part

HCF of 2,4,3 is 1

Hence, LCM of Fractions = 6/1

Example 2:

Evaluate the HCF of Fractions for 3/2,1/5,2/7.


Step 1:

HCF of Fraction = HCF of Numerators/LCM of Denominators

Now see the HCF of the Numerator part which is 3,1,2

The Highest Common Factor (HCF) of the Numerator is 1

Step 2:

Secondly, now find the LCM of the denominator part

LCM of 2,5,7 is 70

Hence, HCF of Fractions = 1/70

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